Saturday 21 March 2009


I've decided to add another colour to the thousands that there are already on the colour charts that you get from the DIY store.You know the ones . Those charts that you spend ages over ,then you buy every sample pot within a whisper of the colour that you like. You take said pots home and paint patches at every conceivable angle because you could not conceivably buy said paint without seriously scrutinising its refractive qualities.So, paint on the wall , refaction under scrutiny , you ask your bambinos for their opinions which inevitably and absolutely do not converge with yours.You stand in the middle of the room for some time reflecting on why as USUAL you have to make all important decisions by yourself. Somehow ignoring the fact that apart from when you want them to agree with you ,you have always been proud of the fact that you have created and raised 3 beautiful individuals fully capable of independent thought and judgement .

Anyway,off you go to the DIY and spend a stupid amount on 3 huge tins of'Calico Bliss'.In the middle of painting the room you decide to pop in see a friend . You admire the colour on her walls It looks remarkably like what you've chosen ... great friends think alike etc,etc .Then you ask her what the colour it is and without any thought for your feelings she you quite blithely tells you that its MAGNOLIA!!!!Fucking magnolia ... no 'Smetana in the sunlight' no 'Yogic Transition' just frigging MAGNOLIA. She notices the change in your features and asks whats wrong and while thinking that you could have saved yourself £20 a tin you resist the temptation to tell her that you want to graffiti her walls.

I've called this new colour, that should be in all the shops soon , Moscow Grey.White with huge accents of charcoal , royal blue and sludge.Refracts no light and is probably why one the classic features of Russian womens faces as they age are jowls.This Moscow Grey, added to the fact that this is not a smiling culture are a perfect recipe for jowls. If you stay here long enough you too will get them. I come home and deliberately exercise my smile muscles.I'm not taking all these trace elements, and slathering my skin with all my home made lotions only to have all my efforts lost in two huge ellipses of skin hanging of my cheekbones .

Light snow has fallen again. The sun doesn't seem to stay long here and any thoughts that you have that at last spring might be around the corner are always based on false hope.This city is unbelievably grimy.The filth on the cars is of the type you would only see back home in the winter on cars that have been taking part in a forest rally or have been doing some serious off-roading.If you ask where all this dirt comes from ,every person that you ask here will give you a different answer. Ho hum, i suppose at least when snow falls you can't see one of my pet peeves over here... spit gobs .

I was hoping that the snow would hold off today for totally vain reasons.I'm going out to salsa this evening and i wanted to wear the rather fab boots that J bought me for my birthday. I carry a rucksack all the time and i thought that it would be rather nice and grown up not go out with it as per. I'll have to take it now just to carry my boots.No matter, I'll go out into yet another grimy Moscow evening and in the ambiance of a salsa evening I'll dance like a feisty Latina and not give a fuck who's watching . I'll be smiling... so should you. Happy Saturday :)

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